in Arabic

Newsletter of March 2009

2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

We are living in a world where there is only one rule which we can be absolutely sure about, this being that nothing is really safe. I’m often realize how fragile our society, our government and our mere existence is. It does not take long until fear takes a hold of my heart with icy cold claws and, as a result, soon after my mind is paralyzed. During one of these incidents, the Lord whispered to my fearful soul, “Don’t you understand that, as Your Father and Creator of the whole universe, I’m holding your life carefully and tenderly in My hand?”

Fear is simply a waste of our time and energy! It is only when we allow ourselves to let go of our fear that, we are then capable of taking a hold of the power, love and sound mind and everything which is meant for us as written in 2 Timothy 1:7.

All this is namely our inheritance from Our Father, Protector, and great God of the entire universe.

If you are still far away from God and are living in your sins, and do not yet belong to the family of God, then you need to know that Jesus Christ wants you to become His son/daughter because He loves you. He bore your sins on the cross at Calvary. You only need to come to Him and confess your sins and repent of them from your heart; then He will forgive you of all your sins, and lead you further on to the water baptism in the name of Jesus and fill you with His wonderful Spirit. This is the rebirth from water and Spirit which Jesus Christ is talking about in John 3. It is necessary for us to be born again of water and Spirit, otherwise, we cannot enter into the kingdom of God. In Jesus Christ we are heirs of His glory, and all His promises are Yea and Amen in Him. kc

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