in Arabic / in German

Almost don't count

Act 26: 27-28 King Agrippa, do you believe the Prophets? I know that you do." Agrippa replied to Paul, "In a short time you will persuade me to become a Christian."

2 Peter 1:10-11 Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble; for so an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

What he is saying is that you ALMOST persuade me to become a Christian. I say: Almost don’t count.

If you almost reach the bus, you are just as much outside the bus as the one staying home in his living room. If you almost pass the test, you are just as much without a diploma as the one not taking the test. If you almost had all the numbers right in LOTTO, you have just as little money as the one not purchasing the lotto ticket. If you almost make it to heaven, you are just as much lost as the greatest sinner.

The point is, that almost is not enough. We must take a stand. We must be born again of water and of the Spirit.

Stop being an almost Christian. Make a decision today to go all the way. Pastor Gøran Andreassen

Additional scriptures for further study: Isaiah 55:6; Matthew 24:13, 25:1-13; John 3:1-5; Acts 2:38; 2 Corinthians 6:2; Hebrews 3:7-19; Revelation 22.
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