THEME: "Open your heart when you open your Bible."
Creation through the Flood
Page 1. General View of the Old Testament
1. Number of books - 39
2. Theme of Old Testament-expectation and longing, Job 23:3
3. Period of writing-1400 years by 32 different writers, II Pet
4. Books of Bible
a. Law-5 books
b. History-12 books
c. Poetry-5 books
d. Prophecy-5 major-12 minor
Page 2. The Creation
1. "In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth."
Gen.l:l; Heb. 11:3; Job 38:1-7
2. Genesis is a book of beginnings
Page 3. The Creation of the Earth
1. First day, light appears, Gen. 1:3-5
2. Second day, water above divided from waters below, Gen. 1:6-8
3. Third day, earth and sea divided, grass and trees, Gen. 1:9-13
4. Fourth day, sun and moon given for light, time, and seasons,
Gen. 1:14-19
5. Fifth day, sea creatures, fowls of the air created, Gen. l:20-23
6. Sixth day, cattle, beasts, and first man Adam, Gen. 1:24-31
7. Seventh day, God rested from all that He had made, Gen. 2:1-3
Page 4. First Dispensation - Innocence
1. Adam and Eve warned of consequence of sin, Gen. 2:15-17
2. The serpent deceives Eve, Gen. 3:1
3. Adam and Eve eat of forbidden fruit, Gen. 3:6-7
4. Sin breaks communion with God, Gen. 2:15-17
5. God sought Adam, Rom. 3:11; John 15:16
Page 5. Innocence ends in Judgment
1. The curse, Gen. 3:14-19
2. The promise, Gen. 3:15; Rom.5:19
3. Adam and Eve are sent from the garden, Gen. 3:23-24
Page 6. Second Dispensation - Conscience
1. Birth of Cain and Abel, Gen. 4:1-2
2. Cain kills Abel, Gen. 4:8
3. Seth begins blood line of promised Redeemer, Gen. 4:25-26
4. World became very wicked, but Noah found grace in the eyes
of the Lord, Gen. 6:1-8
Page 7. Noah Builds the Ark
1. Noah builds an ark of gopher wood, Gen. 6:14-16
2. Noah warns of coming judgment by the flood, II Pet. 2:5
3. Conscience Dispensation ends in judgment by the flood
Page 8. The Ark that Noah Built
1. Size: 600 ft. long, 100 ft. wide, 60 ft. high
2. Would hold 1,310 Boxcars, or 100 Barnum circuses
Page 9. Days of Noah - Coming of Christ, Matt. 24:37-44, II Pet. 3:3-7
1. Wickedness great in the earth, II Tim. 3:13
2. Large number of unholy marriages, Matt. 24:38-39
3. Many men of renown, Dan. 12:4
4. World unaware of approaching disaster, Luke 21:35
5. All the earth corrupt, II Tim. 3:2
6. Noah's family enters ark for safety, I Thess. 4:17
7. Noah returns to earth after flood, Jude 14-15