"Open your heart when you open your Bible."
2. | As man: | As God: | |
Matt. 1:23-25 | Is. 9:6 | ||
Luke 2:52 | John 21:17 | ||
Matt. 4:2 | Matt. 14:19-21 | ||
Phil. 2:7 | Rev. 19:16 | ||
John 1:14 | Col. 1:16-17 | ||
Luke 22:44 | John 14:13-14 | ||
Heb. 9:26 | Mark 2:5-7 | ||
John 19:30 | Luke 24:1-6 |
3. "I
and My Father are One." John 10:30, "When you have seen Me, you have
seen the Father" John 14:7-11
4. He was God of the Old Testament, Is. 44:6, Is. 43:10
5. There are three that bear record in heaven, I John 5:7
6. He was made of a woman, made under the law, Gal. 4:4
Page 32. Apostle Peter Given Keys to the Kingdom
1. Peter given keys to the Kingdom, Matt. 16:13-19
2. Jesus Christ was the corner stone of His church, Eph. 2:20
Page 33. Path to Christ's Death
1. The miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead was the cause of
the triumphal entry of Jesus, John 12:12-19
2. Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey, mark 11:1-11
3. The Last Supper, John 13:1-30, Luke 22:14-20
4. Jesus prays in the garden, Luke 22:39-46, Matt. 26:39
5. Judas betrays Jesus for 30 pieces of silver, Matt. 26:14-16,47-50
6. Jesus' trial, Mark 14:53-64
7. Judas hangs himself, Matt. 27:3-10
8. Jesus is taken to Pilate's judgment hall, Luke 23:1-24
9. Pilate washes his hands, Matt. 27:19-24
10. Barabbas is released to the Jews, Luke 23:18-19
Page 34. By His Stripes We Are Healed
1. Pilate commands the soldiers to scourge Him, Matt. 27:26
2. We are healed by His stripes, Is. 53:5
3. Jesus compared to the Passover lamb, I Cor. 5:7
4. His body was broken for us, I Cor. 11:23-24
5. Gifts of healing given to the Church, I Cor. 12:9, James 5:14-16
6. He healeth all our diseases, Ps. 103:3
Page 35. The Crucifixion
1. Simon carries His cross, Mark 15:21
2. Jesus is crucified at Goliath between two thieves, mark 15:22-37
3. The veil of the Temple was rent in twain, mark 15:38
4. Darkness covers the earth for three hours, Luke 23:44-45
5. Joseph asks for the body of Jesus and prepares it for burial,
Luke 23:50-56
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