to God |
Worship belongs to God
alone! The highest commandment to Israel was: Hear, O Israel, the LORD
our God, the LORD is one (Deut. 6:4). For I proclaim the name of the
LORD: Ascribe greatness to our God. (Deut. 32:3)
In His temple everyone says “Glory!” (Ps. 29:9) Isaiah 6:3 declares: “
The whole earth is full of His glory!” Ps. 72:19 and let the whole
earth be filled with his glory; Amen, and Amen. In Isaiah 42:8 God
says: I’m the LORD, that is my name; and my glory I will not give to another,
nor my praise to carved images. And Verse 12: Let them give glory
to the LORD
A great promise in the Word of God yet to be fulfilled in the Millennium Reign
of Jesus Christ we can find in Habakuk 2:14 For the earth will be filled
with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the seas.
Then everybody will acknowledge Jesus Christ as the King of Kings and the
only God. Today many nations worship different gods, but in that dispensation
the knowledge of the Glory of the LORD will fill the earth. Only then there
will be true peace on this earth, because Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace
(Isaiah 9:6b)
In Revelation 19:10 John the Revelator fell down before someone to worship.
He must have thought that he talked to Jesus. Was it the mighty angel the
Bible spoke in Rev. 18:21? In any case, this creature said: See that you
do not that! I’m your fellow servant, and of your brethren who have the testimony
of Jesus. In Rev. 1:17 John saw Jesus, and He said: Do not be afraid:
I am the First and the Last. Here John saw Jesus glorified, the mighty
God (see also Isaiah 41:4; 43:10-11; 33:6-8).
The Bible admonishes us in Phil. 2:3 and Gal 5:26 not to become conceited
and to look for honor from man, because glory belongs solely to God. On the
other hand, the Word of God admonishes us to honor those to whom honor belongs.
Rom 13:7b custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.
1Ti 5:17 Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour,
especially they who labour in the word and doctrine. If we honor the
men that God has appointed into the ministry, then we honor God and show our
obedience to Him. In 1. Cor 9 Paul writes that we owe those, who minister
with the Word and 1 Thess 5:12 advise us to recognize and honor those, who
labor among us.
don’t have to urge a true child of God to glorify God. It is the holy Ghost
in us, who has poured the knowledge of God and His love in our hearts. We
are in love with God and we have the desire to praise Him, thank Him and
glorify Him, because we serve a good God. We know that He is merciful, He
is good and because of His great love, He has given His all; He gave Himself
by becoming our Savior, because He died at the cross of Calvary for our
sins and to redeem us (see Isaiah 53; Col 2:13-14) We will glorify our God
throughout eternity. Heaven is full of the Glory of God.
The devil tries to steel the glory from God and he deceives many to worship
vanity and idols. But this does not take anything away from God’s greatness,
it’s just sad for those who worship something that is spoiled and leads
to their own deception. The people who follow the deceiver have no reward,
but judgment, no matter how religious it might look.
If you don’t know God yet, it is still time of grace. You can whisper a
prayer, you can also cry out to our God and He is merciful to save you.
Just call on the name of Jesus, He will save you. Then listen and obey His
There is no greater call, than to follow Jesus. He will make something beautiful
out of your life. We wish you God’s abundant blessings and the knowledge
of Who HE is.
Glory to Our GOD!