Message from the Monthly Flyer from June 2010
John 4,20 "Our fathers worshipped
in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where
men ought to worship." Jesus saith unto her, "Woman, believe
me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet
at Jerusalem, worship the Father. Ye worship ye know not what: we
know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. But the hour cometh,
and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in
spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship. God is
a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and
in truth."
We can gather from the conversation of the Lord Jesus with the woman, that there would be a time coming when the true worshippers of God would no longer have to make pilgrimages to some place in order to worship Him. That was new to her. Then Jesus described how it would be - that the living One God, who is Spirit, will seek for true worshippers who will worship Him in spirit and in truth! At this point, Jesus comes to the heart of the matter: "There will be a time when the pilgrimages of the believers to certain places will cease." The Catholic church shows her followers where they should go to "experience miracles and to worship". They travel to Rome, Lourdes etc. They do not live as according to the Bible, just like the Moslems do not either, who make pilgrimages to Mecca, Medina or Jerusalem. They seek forgiveness for their sins, and hope that they might please God and be saved. This way they will never find salvation! For the almighty God, the God of Abraham and the prophets, chose the body, which HE had prepared for Himself in Mary, JESUS, to be the sacrifice for sin, for all the people who would want to come to Him. A person no longer receives the forgiveness of sins by going on pilgrimages and offering sacrifices, but by true repentance to God, and through washing his sins away in waterbaptism in Jesus' name. Then you can expect and experience the infilling of His Holy Spirit. As a consequence of all this and only through His NAME will your sins be forgiven, and by His Holy Spirit you will be able to worship HIM in spirit and in truth, without having to make pilgrimages to some particular place! For God sees everything, wherever you may be. He is not an idol. He is seeking and searching and He does not show honour to hypocrites. Our righteousness is not good enough, we need His! Jesus died on the cross, but on the third day He rose from the dead. Judas hanged himself even before Jesus was crucified, he knew that he had betrayed the righteous One and the WORD. Afterwards, Jesus told his disciples how they and the true worshippers who seek God could receive forgiveness of sins and eternal life in His presence. They passed the word on. We know what has to be done! Who and what is stopping you from following Jesus Christ, that you might receive eternal life? rw |
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