This is an open letter to all
Muslim friends who are searching for Allah's truth and are trying to
get so close to him so that they can feel his mighty presence. Oh friends;
you fast and pray and give alms and want to get close to Allah and get
to a place where you can feel his presence every second of your life.
I was born and raised in a Shiite Muslim family in Iran. Please allow
me to tell you how I got close to Allah. I started by reading the Torah,
the Injil and the Koran. As I studied the Torah, I noticed that the
Jews of the old testament were trying to get close to God through keeping
His laws and making sacrifices. They had gotten to a place that If they
would break the smallest law possible, they would cry, repent, sacrifice
animals and be punished by their society. But keeping the law did not
get them close to God. Also when I read the Koran and Hadith, I saw
that Muslims with praying, fasting, giving of alms and obeying the God's
law have tried to get close to Allah and feel His presence. But human
flesh is weak and sinful and man cannot get close to God with his own
power. He slips and falls in sin and because he wants to prevent this
fall he invents religious laws for the society. But unfortunately you
cannot change the human nature by sword and machine gun. Human history
from Adam until now testifies of this fact.
So is there a real way of getting close to God? In Torah, God promised
to write His law in His people's hearts. Jesus (Isa), the Messiah gave
the same promise to his disciples and called this experience the baptism
(Gosl) or gift of the holy spirit. His disciples several weeks after
his ascension to heaven received this promise. This gift changed them
from unlearned fisherman to great preachers of His good news. God surely
wrote his law in their hearts. They went to all the known world of that
time and preached Isa's good news and free gift. But after four or five
generations, unspiritual leaders of the churches reduced the importance
of this gift in Christian life, until the day that the Roman emperor
Constantine declared Christianity as the Rome's official religion. It
was there that most of Christianity took the form of state religion
rather than a personal experience with God. But through out the centuries
there were people who still believed in the experience of the gift of
the holy spirit. These people were usually heretics by the Roman church
and were executed. But God between the years of 325 AD and 1900 AD had
people who were close to him. During the twentieth century God has given
this gift to thousands of men and women all over the world.
Oh dear friends, Allah is calling you close to himself and wants you
to receive his powerful gift also. If you like to get close to god and
receive his gift, believe in Christ and repent (Tobeh) of your secret
sins and bad thoughts in your heart and ask him to remove them from
you. Then ask a Christian minister (Waez) who believes in true Christianity
to baptize (Gosl) you in the name of Isa the Messiah so that your sins
might be washed away by Isa's power. Then start to praise God in your
own language in simple words and ask him for the gift of the holy spirit.
God will give you this gift and take your tongue which is wild like
an animal to his own hand and he will give you a new language. Then
you will feel God's glory, power and majesty. This experience is so
great and wonderful that human words cannot describe it.
Do you really want to get close to Allah? Then try what I have told
you and see if I am telling you the truth. Try Massih and see that He
is sweeter than honey.
Thank you for reading this letter.
Christ's Servant, Brother Ahmad
If you like to learn more about the gift of the Holy spirit please contact
the address below: