Message from the Monthly Flyer from January 2014
Hebrews 12:1 Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great
a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which
so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is
set before us.
While I travel on the long and dusty road of my life, I am often burdened
and under pressure. A mountain of obligations rises up before me, alongside
a lot of responsibility, so that I am not even aware that I am just
barely making it through. It is no wonder that the steps I have been
taking lately have been so slow and I am just dragging myself along.
Being alarmed about this, I decided to take a break and I am now trying
to regain my strength and my vision. Where does all this stuff come
from? It is obvious that, as a result of having taken up the earthly
things, I have completely unaware laid down the spiritual gifts which
cannot be bought with money.
Where are my blessings? My revelations? My freedom? My anointing? For
sure, this exchange is most definitely not better and is not even worthwhile.
I then call upon the Lord, completely shaken up and restless, I throw
the entire "junk" at His feet and run back to collect everything
that I have lost. Now, while I am happily holding onto my treasures
which I have found again, thanks be to God, my heart is much lighter
and my steps are much quicker and nimble; while I continually remind
myself that only the things that truly count come from Jesus Christ.
The most precious of all is my fellowship with Him. kc
Additional verses to study: John 6:39; Philippians 1:21; 3:13;
Psalm 73