Spiritual Synergy
Mark 16:20 And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord
working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying
signs. Amen.
1 Corinthians 3:9 For we are labourers together with God: ye are
Gods husbandry, ye are Gods building.
of all, we are not supposed to do the job by ourselves. We are supposed
to do it together with God. When Jesus gave us the task to reach the
world with the Gospel, He gave us two things to remember. He said,
Me is given ALL power in heaven and in earth. Go ye THEREFORE... We
can go resting assure that He has all the power. The second thing
is that He will never leave us. He promised: I am with you ALWAYS.
So even the task seems impossible and too big, we know that He is
with us, and that He has all power. Here Paul states that we are laborers
together with God. The word “laborers together” is translated from
the Greek word Synergos, where we have the word Synergy from.
This is the definition of synergy: “The interaction or cooperation
of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce
a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.”
In other words what the two can do together is greater than what each
can do by themselves. You may say that God don’t need us to be greater,
but in the sense of reaching the world, He has made himself depending
on us. He will not do the preaching, and He will not do the praying.
He will not teach Bible Studies for us. He will not evangelize, or
knock any doors. We have to do all of this. He has the power to save,
but without anyone to tell the good news, the power will never reach
them. But when we work together with God…
You may feel that you are so small and insignificant in yourself,
but remember if you connect with God, there will be a spiritual synergy
Preaching + God produces faith.
Faith + God produces obedience (works).
Obedience + God produces power.
It is called Synergy. God has chosen to do things together with us.
So stop trying to do things in your own power or strength. Stop trying
to do things according to your own wisdom. Don’t rely on your own
abilities and experiences. Do it together with God. Always connect
with Him. Always pray for His direction and for His Word to speak
through you.
We pray that the Lord Jesus Christ will be your source of happiness and blessings in this new year 2025. May His grace and peace be with you always, and may He abundantly bless all areas of your life.
You are the vessel, and Jesus Christ is the oil. You are the lamp, and He is the light. You are the voice, and He is the word. You are the hands, and He is the power. We are the body, and He is the Spirit. God bless you in the name of Jesus Christ”.
It's called Spiritual Synergy. Pastor Gøran Andreassen
Deuteronomy 32:30; Psalm 18:30-36; Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:20;
John 15:1–8; Philippians 2:12-13; Colossians 2:19; James 4:8.