Message from the Monthly Flyer November 2022
Power over all Luke 10:19 “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” For Apostolics, this is a familiar and beloved verse. I’ve preached and quoted it often but, in this particular season, one word jumped out at me—all. Jesus makes it abundantly clear, we don’t just have a little power over some things. He gave us power over all the power of the enemy. If we really believe that, it changes everything. Satan uses his limited power to steal, kill, and destroy anything connected with the kingdom of God. One of his favorite targets is our confidence in, and understanding of, who we are in Jesus. However, Jesus plainly declared, “I give unto you power over all....” In other words, whatever power our enemy has, ours is greater. Why then, do we struggle with this revelation? Perhaps because we don’t fully comprehend the position/office into which God had placed us. Paul demonstrates the necessary mentality when he says, “I magnify mine office.” Paul recognized that his office trumped his feelings. Too often we magnify our emotions which, in our own minds, diminishes our office. Our power/authority has nothing to do with feelings but everything to do with our position in Christ. Position is a very important subject. In the military, position is known as rank. Not being exactly sure how rank worked and where it issued from, I decided to ask a soldier friend a few questions about it. My first question was, “Where do you get your rank?” “From the President of the United States,” he said without hesitation. “So, your authority comes from the highest office in the nation?” Again without a second’s delay he said, “Yessir!” I continued to question him. “Is your rank only activated when you feel it?” “No sir, rank has nothing to do with feelings. A general who doesn't feel like a general— is still a general.” This was getting good. I had one more question. “Do you have to beg those under your rank to obey your commands?” He sternly quipped, “No sir, I simply command them and they must obey.” What a revelatory conversation! Our rank is not issued from some finite and earthly government, our rank comes from the highest authority in the universe—Jesus! Simply put, as children of the most high God, we outrank the devil. If the battle you’re in right now is causing you to question your rank, remember this; battles never diminish a soldier’s rank, they only serve to emphasize and highlight it. Keep fighting—you outrank the enemy. Your power extends beyond hell’s borders. Any way you look at it, we outrank every enemy we encounter. As children of God we have been commissioned to do “exceeding abundantly according to the power that worketh in us.” The Spirit is challenging us to recognize who we are, to step boldly into our rank, and boldly march beyond our self-imposed borders into greater works. We have power over all! Rev Robert Lewis
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